Sunday, 22 April 2012



So no one told you life was gonna be this was way’ ©

Well in fact nobody did, tell me life was going to be this way. I wasn’t given a manual, Yoda like wisdom wasn’t imparted at the moment I left home many moons ago, nobody told me what life real life would be like. I wasn’t warned of the painful times, the toil and hard work times, the lonely times, the low times, and the downright bloody unbelievably crappy times. I had to experience them, I had to learn, I had to gather evidence and examine in order for me to know what life was, is about. But last night I was asked whether I would change anything about my life thus far and the resounding answer was OH NO! Why? Well one simple thing really LOVE, and during this life thus far, I have had the great fortune along my travels to come across some really wonderful friends and the LOVE of these really wonderful friends. This LOVE has not been more apparent to me than the last few months during the last rewrites of the book before it goes to the publishers. This LOVE has critiqued my narrative, made alternative suggestions, read countless drafts, spurned me on when I wanted to give up, encouraged me when I wasn’t sure of what I was doing, picked me up and dusted me off when I fell, wiped my tears when I cried and laughed with me when I laughed. But most of all their LOVE the LOVE of my friends has supported me through my whole ‘being a writer’ journey and I dedicate this blog to you. Yes you my beautiful circle of friends, you know who you are. Some of you are family and feel like my closest friends some of you are friends and feel like my closest family. Some of you I have known since I was a child, others I have known through my adult life thus far. Some of you are married with children some of you are single, some of you are male, some of you are female. Some of you are artists; some of you work 9-5, some of you are older than me some of you are younger and during these times you have challenged me, you haven’t agreed with me, you have asked me to see it from another perspective, sometimes you have pushed me, backed me up, stood by my side, and cheer leaded from the front lines, chanting loud and clear N A O M I J A C O B S Woohoo!! But one thing you have all in common and one thing I know for sure is that you have done all of this for me because of LOVE. And no more than now when I am doing one of the most bravest and scariest things I will ever do in my life (apart from giving birth) do I see this LOVE, do I hear this LOVE, do I feel this LOVE. Do I know your LOVE, my beautiful friends.
The other question I was asked last night was, did you always know you would be a writer and my answer was somewhere deep down inside I did, well when I was four years of age I did, and then I forgot only to remember 28 years later. But what I didn’t know and what I have learned these past four years and during the writing of I Woke Up In The Future, is how fortunate I would be when it came to friends. How LOVED I would feel and how this LOVE would be the force that kept me going. So to you my friends, I will raise my glass and toast your friendship and thank the universe, the cosmos and the powers that be, that they sent me you and your wonderfully inspiring, patient, kind, loyal, unconditional beautiful beautiful LOVE.

Your friend

Naomi x